Friday, January 5, 2007

Start Early on the Pushups

So, I realized why we struggled to do push-ups in our teens - it's all because our parents didn't make us do it as babies. Three times a day, we're supposed to turn our baby over, so he lies on his stomach. Then we're supposed to watch him struggle to lift himself up - yup, a push-up - so he could strengthen his stomach and neck muscles. That will help prevent SIDS, the nurses say.
Each time, he only lies on his tummy for a couple of minutes, while i lean close and say push, push, push. Its really more to entertain me, since he doesn't really enjoy it that much.
I reckon one push-up each time (three times a day) should do. My wife thinks I'm psycho.

The amazing thing though is Siyuan does have pretty strong neck and stomach muscles. He likes to sleep with his legs in the air, for one. And whenever we place him upright, he can twist and turn and flip himself off our chests to have a look around. Usually he rebounds back and hits my chest with a thud, at which point he lets off a bit of a whimper. Then he goes back to doing the same thing. Curiosity kills the cat, they say.

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