Monday, May 26, 2008

howling outside the toliet

yes, that's the infamous scene.

part 2 of the tantrrum series :)

during this period of time, he has also grown increasingly attached to Lux. Lux is the only one that can put him to sleep, most of the time he wants her to feed him and cuddle him. The family can't, and even i can't most times now. People with kids tell us its the same thing with them. One mom said her daughter chased her dad out of the room. :)
its driven lux mad becos she can't go to the toliet without him howling outside the door, but on the other hand, there are moments of bliss when he would just sit contentedly on her lap. She's enjoying motherhood. Me? I regret not sleeping more often with him, or cuddling him more before! I always thought he would let me do it. Well, like they say, if u don't spend time with the baby, its gone.

the tantrum series

Siyuan is now a fully accomplished sprawler. Whenever he can't get his way, he flops onto the floor (not too hard. he's more careful now after hitting his own head), and lies there and sniffle. Till of course, you agree to go in the direction he wants to in the park, or give him his cuddle or sweet or whatever. But catching him sprawled isnt' too easy. He stops crying and get up aquickly with a smile once he notices the camera :)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

but it was really too hot

but it was really quite hot that day, so he took breaks in the shelter as well. He's pretty aware of the elements. On these hot days, u can't walk out for more than 10 minutes without been drenched in sweat and looking like a cooked lobster. HK parents, the well-off one, can be quite picky and demanding. I've heard comments about why SIyuan looked so sweaty. Also seen a mother heckle her son on why he's not doing better at the monkey bar. What should be fun has become a task for the poor kid, who resorted to faking stomach pain to avoid doing the bar. Then i've seen old folks scold another kid for not climbing as well as Siyuan. Its pretty competitive out there!
On the other hand, there are normal people, who run around playing catching with their kids :)

Siyuan at the playground

it was bright and sunny after a few days of rain, so took the camera and siyuan out. Siyuan is now an accomplished climber - if he sees it he wants to climb it. If he can't, he will wait till he sees an older kid do it, and then try it.