Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why are you sick

Siyuan: Papa,why are you at home?
Me:I'm sick
Siyuan:Why? Is it becos you work too hard?


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rattling away

For a while, Siyuan has been telling me he doesn't like me on weekdays. Then on Saturday, he would be very happy when he sees me in the morning. He would ask if it a sunday!
About a month later, at breakfast he said: I don't like you when you go to work. I will miss you.

Now, we know what it's all about.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sihuai Talking

Mama going jumping gym!

I found my glasses,i no need hat!

``I'm bad girl! '' she said when asked if she wants to be a good girl or a bad one.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Sihuai loves to talk till she falls asleep. Tonite her conversation:
You go to work.Siyuan goes to school. The school bus is for him, not for you.
You go to work. You cannot go to work in this (pointing at my pajamas). You buy more clothes.
My clothes too big for you.  (no,no, papa is too big for you clothes, i said). You buy more clothes.

etc etc etc

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sihuai is now able to converse and once gave me a six word sentence - i don't want papa sit here.
She's not yet two. Siyuan only started on sentences of that length after turning three.
The whole thing is amazing to us.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Fighting Technique

The kids seem to be growing so fast - even their fights have evolved. Previously, Siyuan would give soft fake pushes and Sihuai would resort to biting.
Today, they were trading punches. Sihuai lost becos she has a shorter reach. She waited a minute, till Siyuan was distracted and then jabbed him in the eye. A second time, she pulled his ear.

Defense of the smaller!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Coming Home

Managed to come home before Sihuai slept Friday evening and was amply rewarded. Siyuan was at the door when I opened it, gave me a hug, turned and yelled to his sister to come out.
Sihuai came running from the bedroom, big grin on her face, and I got a BIG hug :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sage Sayings

Siyuan: Stop singing! You're a bad singer. I'm a good one!

Helper to Sihuai: There's a monster at the door
Sihuai: No, it's papa!

Sihua pointing at a picture of herself: Sihuai!
Sihuai pointing at a picture of her brother: Naughty!

It's too shiny, Siyuan said this morning, as we tried to get him to wake up.
Okay, papa will ask the sun to go away?
No, it's too big. The sun will go away on its own, Siyuan said, getting up from bed to argue with me.
Mission accomplished.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Small but tough

She's 2 1/2 years younger and a a girl to boot. And she's beating her brother!