Thursday, January 4, 2007

Dads meeting groups

We visited a maternity nurse earlier this week, and she talked about support group for new parents. I've also read about such groups for breastfeeding moms, which got me wondering about support groups for new dads.
Dad A: So which stage of the poo are you at? I'm at the yellowy part.
Dad B: I've got all this black tar! Is that normal?
Dad C: Oh yeah, you're still in week one. Early days.
Dad D: Did you guys find that if its breast milk, the poo doesn't smell as much?
Dad A: My hands are getting sore from all that washing. What do you guys do, man?
Dad B: Is it better to use cotton buds or wipes to clean the poo off? My wife thinks I'm a cheapo for not wanting to use wipes.
Dad C: Buds are the best man. I was using the wipes, and I was rubbing my baby's ass raw! The nurse quickly set me on the soft and watery path to good skin.
Rest of Dads looks at Dad C, and start thinking how much money they could save on wipes.

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