Monday, March 12, 2007

Every Little Thing

A friend of ours was telling us about her baby, how she has learned to roll over at just a little past 3 months. Siyuan is now just past 3 months, and I can't wait for him to start learning to do that. He hasn't shown any inclinations though. If we leave him alone, we do come back to find him having shifted his position sideways sometimes, but no hint he can roll over yet. Mom called to stress how important it was to watch him since he's still got fragile muscles. He's also supposed to be at the age when he would discover his hands. Wife caught him doing that just once the weekend. Apparently he can spend as long as 30 minutes been fascinated by it as he realize what he has been sucking on are his hands :)
As my friend say, every little thing thrills us.

The one thing this period has taught me though is new respect for my mother. Far away that she is, she has always called up with timely advice throughout the pregnancy and as Siyuan develops - from food to eat, postures for sleeping, importance of wife not squatting after birth to carry weights, how to wrap the baby to what to watch out for each week, she's just been absolutely spot on.
That's pretty amazing considering how it's been more than 30 years since she cared for a baby. She might not be able to explain the reasons well (with only 3 years formal education), but she's been absolutely spot on. Often we find that the nurses would repeat the same thing my mom said, except with better explanations, or as my wife said, explanations that us Western-educated people can understand.
As they say, when you have your own kids, u appreciate your parents more.
Cliche, but true.

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