After dinner one day, we turned back to Siyuan and found that he had rolled over onto his belly! That next great step has occured and it thrilled us to bits, and him as well. He kept rolling over that evening till he got tired and started crying. Since then he has shown a preference to be on his belly, and even when we put him in his pram, he would try to lift himself by the elbows to look at us. He's getting more curious about his surroundings. He's also now able to play by himself a lot more.
Wife reckons though he does want more attention now.
He is also able to stretch and touch his toes now. The only bad news, and actually the most important one, is that he seems to have broken out of his sleeping habits. He's been crying and waking up a lot more in the night. Nurse says we have to be careful or else Siyuan would unlearn how to sleep.
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