Nowadays I always turn my head to look at other kids, and smile when I see parents chiding, holding or laughing at their babies. It makes me think of Siyuan, who is very cute most days. Obviously that's parental bias :) I'm sure if I was still single, I won't have paid any attention to Siyuan. I guess it's also a guy thing. Wife brought Siyuan to the office one day, and the women gushed all over Siyuan. My single male colleague struggled to say a word.
Siyuan can now hold his head up for a period if we hold him up. He is most curious during those times, looking all around him from an elevated view. A friend sent a video of her baby, about 6 weeks ahead of Siyuan, turning onto her belly. I can't wait for that happen for Siyuan!
Anyway, Siyuan went one week without pooing, and my goodness, his fart increased in frequency and potency! Poor wife would get a bellyful from Siyuan everytime she feed him. And his fart can now make us from the room. So we called the nurses, who told us
breastfed babies can go for 2 weeks without poing!
Man am I jealous. Bronwyn is exclusively breast fed, yet I get about three pooie nappies. And sometimes a poo-explosion. Which considering we use toweling nappies / cloth diapers makes it rather interesting and a bit messy.