The one thing about following European football in the Asian timezone is having to stay up or wake up at unearthly hours to catch a match. The one thing about having a new-born in the house is been woken up at unearthly hour by a baby wanting milk/new nappy/a cuddle. This week, Siyuan was the perfect alarm clock helping me to catch a couple of football matches, including the excellent Liverpool-Arsenal FA Cup game (I support the losing team, but you can't fault those beautiful arse goals, though I could fault my team's defenders). I'm not sure if that's really a healthy habit though - baby cry, wake up to do a/b/c, stay up extra hour for a match. No doubt, I'll find sleep much more valuable since I restart work tomorrow. I'm already pretty glad to have a new-born baby in Melbourne - land of great coffee. I'm sure I will find those coffees invaluable tomorrow to help me stay awake at my desk.
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