I had the most bizarre dream last nite - my baby was kidnapped. Wait, it wasn't as simple as that. Not contented with a baby kidnapping dream, my subconscious conjured up a mythical quest.
Our family was invited on a journey/bus/cruise? trip by my brother, and we went along. On the trip, I was assaulted by three men in white, who never says a word. Attacking their groin, I would find there's nothing there. I screamed for my dad to help, figuring if he could lend me his handy hammer, that could help. In the midst of a conversation with my dad, these sexless creatures disappeared. All the time, this was happening, a couple of a strange baby were making nasty comments. They also seem to be treating the baby badly. Attempts to have conversation with them fail.
We arrive at our destination, and when I looked around the couple had disappeared. But they left their baby behind. Another woman came onboard (was it a gigantic space cruiser by then? I remember wandering lost in huge corridors.) and took charge of the baby. We got to chatting, and right in front of our eyes, the baby decayed.
Convinced then something is wrong, I quickly looked for our baby and couldn't find him!
We wandered in this strange city, unsure what to do. My brother took the invite card, a black card with flowery script in poetry, and went to quizz the hosts which had sent it to us. He returned, shaken, as the host took the card and refuse to talk to him. Somehow I was convinced that the card now bears a link the disappearance of our baby, and we returned to confront the host.
We followed him down twisting streets, and he disappeared right into a wall. We followed him through, and found ourselves in a Japanese garden, filled with sumo wrestlers, women in masks, fountains, and sculptured plants. Lowering our heads, we attempted to follow through. The verse in the invite card now comes back to our minds - something about poetry, followed by song, and then something else. The words are lost to me now, though they seemed to make sense then.
Through the garden we searched, and we found then another set of poetry nscribed that seems to suggest that we have to find our way, through songs into a Chinese place.
A strange man and his girlfriend came forth to confront us. He pulled a golden dagger and we tussled, with me grabbing it off him and then drawing a bead of blood from his throat. Somehow in my dream, I sense that he was not human and could be bargained with.
I threw him a bargain - help us in one deed and u're free.
He went into a convulsion, and scars appeared all over him, as if I had drawn blood all over his body. I repeated my request again and again, and he finally agreed. Signaling to his girlfriend to come close, he touched her,and the scars disappeared.
Stranger, and stranger.
My wife woke me then.
I figure its just me saying: I didn't get enough time with my baby last nite.
Now that's a strange way for my subconscious to tell me that.