Friday, October 23, 2009

Pretty in Pink

This is Sihuai at about 4 months.We're in a room at Disneyland HK. The boy has gone for a swim.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Big Boy

Last time we visited Disneyland and had dinner at the restaurant, Siyuan would get frightened by the big dressed-up characters.
This time, almost a year older, he would play with them or wave them away if he wants to eat his dinner in peace :)
One tip for parents, don't do dinner. It's chaotic, there's a lot of push to have your pictures taken, and you're tired. The breakfast deal works better as there are fewer people around, you're fresher, and there's no professional photographer trying to persuade you to pay for pictures.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Siyuan Show

This the great Siyuan show - chasing his balloon, pretending to fall down, letting the balloon fly away or pointing at the sky and looking puzzled.

And each time he fell, people would come over and pick him up :P

His Favorite Ride

He loves to drive.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Disney Land

We took the kids out to Disneyland around Halloween.
Siyuan had a great time, though he absolutely refused to enter the haunted mansion with me. :P

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Holding her own!

Sihuai holding on to her milk bottle on her own!
Time: 11:30am on the 6th of October... something to remember ;)

Are children smart or lazy?

This is Siyuan learning to count:

"1... 2... 3... 4... oh many many!"

Now I am trying to decide - is he lazy or smart?